Call for Papers

  • Is the paper submitted to SMIRT 27 conference considered as a Peer-Reviewed paper?

    No. Submitted paper will be reviewed in the stage of abstract submission, but will not be reviewed in the stage of final submission.

  • Will the abstracts be published somewhere?

    Only the full papers are planned to be released as a part of proceedings book.

  • Abstracts will be accepted even they exceed 250 words? The number of pages will be kept within 2 pages.

    It may be accepted if it exceeds some words, but please try to keep it as short as possible.

  • According to the SMiRT-27 submission guidelines, authors can submit a maximum of three papers. It is not clear to me whether the role of "author" refers to main authors or also to co-authors.

    The role of "author" refers to main author, the papers submitted as "co-author" will not be counted.

  • Is it mandatory to submit the short summary and the abstract according to the abstract template?

    Yes, we kindly ask for your cooperation in order to facilitate the review process.

  • Is it possible to change the presenting author after completion of the abstract submission?

    Yes, but please be noted that we will set a certain deadline for the amendments since the author names will be printed on the program book.

  • Can I amend the submitted abstract after submission?

    Yes, you can amend the submitted abstract until the abstract submission deadline on March 31 (JST).

  • When will the acceptance notification of the abstracts sent out?

    The acceptance notification of the abstracts is planned to be sent out in July 2023.


  • When can I register for the conference?

    The registration for the conference starts on October 2, 2023.

  • Can I attend online?

    No, the SMiRT 27 conference will be held in-person only.

  • Please let me know more about the registration fee.

    Please refer to the registration page: https://www.smirt27.com/registration.html

  • What is included in the registration fee?

    Participation in the welcome reception on March 3, banquet on March 7, Coffee break, Access to all oral sessions and the exhibition area.

  • Is one-day registration available?

    No, we only offer full-day (March 3-8) conference registration.

  • Is a group discount available?

    No discounts apply to the registration fee. Also, every attendee has to create an account and register for the conference.

  • Do I need a visa to enter Japan?

    Please refer to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and check if your country is visa-exempted: https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/short/novisa.html#section2

  • I do not want to take part in the banquet. Can I get a deduction of the registration fee?

    Sorry, but the registration fees are fixed rates, so there will be no deductions even if you do not take part in the banquet.

  • Are there special booking rates for hotels near the venue?

    Yes, we provide special rates for 2 hotels, the InterContinental Yokohama Grand and Yokohama Royal Park Hotel. More information can be found on the Venue/Hotels page: https://www.smirt27.com/venue.html

  • Where can I find the program of the conference?

    Only the program overview is available as of March 2023: https://www.smirt27.com/program.html
    Information about the conference program including technical tours and social programs will be updated once the details are finalized.

  • Conference Credentials

    Badges must be worn at all times to take part in the conference activities (sessions, exhibition, coffee break and banquet) and are not transferable at any time.


  • Some contents of the SMiRT 27's website do not appear properly on my screen.

    Please try to clear your cache and browsing data and reload the page. If you are using Google Chrome, the following combination might help.
    Push windows「Ctrl + F5」or「Ctrl + Shift + R」

  • How can we have access to the conference proceedings ?

    Full papers of the conference are available on the programme website.

    The full papers are linked to each presentation information. The button "PDF Download" can be found under each presentation title in the timetable.
    If you click on "Download PDF for print" on the menu, you may download all the full papers of the conference at once.

    Since the full papers are only available for registered participants, a password is required to open the PDF file. The password has been provided from the Secretariat by e-mail prior to the conference.